PC [BUG] Placing garden pots on Ginger Island uses weather from the mainland


With an imminent bugfix patch coming out, I better get these bugs posted!

I have confirmed this is still an issue on the beta branch.

On the mainland, placing a garden pot when it is raining causes the pot to be watered as soon as it is placed.

When placing garden pots on Ginger Island, it uses the weather of the mainland, not of the island.

In the picture below it is raining on Ginger Island but not on the mainland. I manually watered the top pot. The bottom pot is unwatered.
On subsequent rain days, both pots are watered


The following code needs to change:
        public IndoorPot(Vector2 tileLocation)
            : base(tileLocation, 62)
            this.hoeDirt.Value = new HoeDirt();
            if (Game1.isRaining && (bool)Game1.currentLocation.isOutdoors)
                this.hoeDirt.Value.state.Value = 1;
            base.showNextIndex.Value = ((int)this.hoeDirt.Value.state == 1);
to something like:
        public IndoorPot(Vector2 tileLocation)
            : base(tileLocation, 62)
            this.hoeDirt.Value = new HoeDirt();
            if (Game1.IsRainingHere(Game1.currentLocation) && (bool)Game1.currentLocation.isOutdoors)
                this.hoeDirt.Value.state.Value = 1;
            base.showNextIndex.Value = ((int)this.hoeDirt.Value.state == 1);
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