PC [BUG] Mines: Difficulty won't change



I'm playing a multiplayer game with my friend and for a while now, the mines have the higher difficulty setting (high level Monsters).
We don't have the according Qi Quest active, and when we go to level 120 and use the switch the message tells us that either stronger monsters will arrive the next day or that easier monsters will return (don't know the exact wording, but I guess everyone knows that message). When returning the next day the mine will still be populated by stronger monsters, but the message received after using the switch will change to the opposite. This has been the case for at least 2 weeks in game, so I'm guessing it's a bug.
We also tried (as a shot into the dark) to use the switch and notgo into the mine on the same day, in case entering the mines after switching blocks the change from happening.

Any Ideas how to return those mines to normal?
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Hi! I'm having the same problem, can't get the mines to return to their original state. Have you had any luck getting them to change back?