PC [BUG] Marriage type things


(this is for a multiplayer game) I think it may make the game little better if you make it so you can only propose to someone when you have 10 hearts with the person . Or something where you cant date someone the other player is dating. Something like this happened to me because I was dating the NPC Sebastion and I had 10 hearts with him. Then all of a sudden out of nowhre my sister (the person I was playing with) proposed to him (she only has 2 hearts with him) and now they are married, and I can no longer marry Sebastion.


That should not have happened. As you said, you should only be able to propose to someone when you have 10 hearts. Otherwise they should say no.

Maybe ask a mod to move this to bug reports?
Seems to be a bug indeed. Maybe that's because multiplayer is added afterwards, so some program logic is not fully compatible (yet) to the single player game.