PC [BUG] Game exits to title screen when HDMI input changes.


Actions to replicate:
-Game set to Borderless fullscreen
-In my case I was on the inventory screen, paused, in the mine
-Plug in a HDMI cable from 3 way HDMI hub to laptop, second monitor switches over to laptop screen.
-Main monitor goes black for a split second and Stardew quits to title screen.
-This has happened twice for me now, same setup just a different location in the game.

Extended story:
For work I use a laptop which I connect to my second monitor through a 3-way HDMI switch. This means my main monitor is still connected through my home pc and my second monitor switches over from my pc to the work laptop. If I do this while Stardew Valley is running on my own PC the game exits and goes to the main title screen.
I think the problem is not about switching HDMI, but unplugging HDMI.

I'm pretty sure your computer considers the screen unplugs when you switch source (it actually does unplug inside the switch)

I have the same problem, the game crashs when unplugging HDMI cable.