PlayStation Bug: Diagonal movement on joystick stutters between walk and run


Issue: When attempting to run diagonally using the joystick on some ps5 controllers, the player will briefly stutter/switch between walking and running. For me, this occurs primarily in the down-left direction. This did not occur before the 1.6 release, and I initially thought it was simply my controller going out, but there have been multiple other people in this forum who reported similar issues after 1.6 released:

Additionally, I used the "gamepad tester" on to validate the control stick was functioning. I tested both of my controllers, and while both left sticks seem to be reasonably functional, the one having the issue has a very slightly weaker down-left direction, and a stronger down-right direction. Screenshots below. I considered not even filing a bug for this, but seeing multiple other users reporting it, and knowing that it was introduced in 1.6 it felt like it was worth mentioning. My guess is there was a code change related to stick-drift that does a calibration using minimum and maximum received inputs, and the run/walk logic uses a fraction of that, and on a controller with a slightly weaker axis in a given direction, this would be the result. It could also be something like a change to the way the input vector is being normalized.

Turning on "auto-run" is a somewhat serviceable workaround, but it does make fine tuning position for certain activities harder.

Left controller has the issue, right does not.

Platform: PS5
Version: 1.6.9 Build 40
Save: Occurs on all saves
Single and Multiplayer
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I've been having this very same problem on my PS4 for a while! I'll only add that my farmer lags and stutters EVERY direction (up, down, left, right, diag...)

Sometimes, she'll GLIDE into a room like she were on a conveyor belt going in or out a new room/outside. And it's not only on my farm but any doorway.

I feel like I noticed it happened more frequently when I read the "Way of the Wind" books and "Ol' Slitherlegs".

Update Version: 1.65
Platform: PS4

evergreen oak

So THIS is why diagonal movement feels off ever since the update in November. I hope this is addressed. I'm losing faith that all bugs will be squashed and the game will be properly fixed up in any reasonable amount of time. This has all been so tedious.
Please prove me wrong, CA and Sickhead.