Solved [BUG] Crash problem


After the 1.5 update, my game is also repeatedly crashing after I go to sleep and my earnings are calculated, but before the day can actually be saved. This happened every other day-ish. The game just blacks out and closes without warning. I'm playing through Steam and don't have any mods.

Unfortunately, there aren't any error logs. None are being created for this crash.


Staff member
@Kitsune @Brubs Are either if you playing with mods? And do you have error logs? On Windows, press Windows + R, then enter %appdata%\StardewValley\Saves to find your error logs.


This is a known issue with non-english versions of the game. We'll be releasing hotfix patch soon
I'm always in awe of how fast you work! Thank you!

But my crash has been happening in an English-language game. Does this hotfix potentially apply to this, too?