Switch [BUG] Cannot attach bait to fiberglass rod on switch version. I've tried everything!


I cannot attach bait to my fiberglass rod. This is apparently a bug on the switch version. Do certain fish require bait? Specifically ones needed for community center bundles? I would hate to think that I could never complete the center.

Lew Zealand

No Fish require Bait, the Bait is just there to increase your bite rate when you get the Fiberglass and better Rods. I run out of Bait all the time, so this has been well-tested! You will still be able to catch anything if you have the patience for the Fish to play cards for a while before they decde to go out for a bite.

Bonus: you get more time to fall asleep under a tree while waiting!
Sorry to hear that! Have you held the bait over the fiberglass rod (in your inventory) and pressed y? And yeah, you can still catch fish, the bite-rate will just be less.