PC [BUG] Audio miscue when using warp totem from island (BUG)


Version: PC-Steam 1.5.4, single-player, no mods

There is an audio miscue that I can reproduce with the following steps:

First, you must have the Ginger Island West area and its Farm Warp Totem unlocked.

  1. Go to Ginger Island West on a sunny day and wait around for the cheery island music to finish and the ambient ocean/bird sounds to start.
  2. Warp back to the farm using the Warp Totem. (The same does NOT happen if you use the Return Scepter to warp back to your farm.)
That's all there is to it. The ambient sounds from Ginger Island will continue on your farm until you cause a screen transition or until there is a music/ambient cue to override it.

I've tried these same steps with the music still playing, and it seems to correctly re-cue the farm sounds if Ginger Island's music is still playing.


Haha, I've actually done this without realizing the trigger. xD But I've definitely warped back to the farm via Ginger Island warp tower and the parrots and such were still squawking on my home farm. I didn't mind it, though I suppose it *is* a bug.