American here. The solution is to stop spelling words incorrectly.
Ok, that's a joke, but I have a question: do Brits not call it Fall? Like in the states, fall and autumn are quite interchangeable, although we typically say fall in casual conversation because it's faster
Also, EVERYONE I know calls them sweet potatoes. I didn't even know that's what a yam was until I read this
Is it THAT deep??
Lol for me, saddly yes, I've spent a lot of time learning about history and i think way too much. Most stopped paying attention long ago, because every time people tried to change the world, it just got worse. Now, most are of the mindset of, what can i do, im just 1 person, and the entire world feels helpless and depressed to the point where patmying attention to most things is too muchvto bare, so they try to ignore it, only for it to end up causing more problems.
I dont blame people for mot paying attention though. I understand why people dont want to, but it doesn't change the fact that it will keep getting worse if people keep fearing learning the heart behind history.
For example - Racism
Most these days believe that Blacks have been the only victims of it throughout history, and that is not true at all. Here in the UK us Welsh where enslaved by the English to the point where at one point in history, we where executed for speaking our own language. Once we won our freedom and slavery was abolished in the UK, the hatred between England and Wales persisted to the point where to this very day there is a law in Wales that allows anyone who can prove that they are of pure Welsh heritage to murder an English person with a bow and arrow because its considered a sport. Welsh people have been known to beat up English people who try to settle in the Valley's of Wales, because the Valley's are the heart of whats left of our culture, so English aren't welcome there.
The English are no better with there attitude towards us either. If a Welsh person travels to an area of England thats considered wholly English, we quickly get beaten up for having a Welsh accent. For many years, especially through the 90's, the English had such a high and mighty attitude towards us Welsh that they woukd belittle us during the 6 nations rugby cup, calling us all sorts of names. They continued to treat us like sh*t durung the 6 nations until the day that we won the grand slam in the early 2000's then they tried to brush off their attitude with a "they just got lucky attitude"
To this day us Welsh and the English dont get along, though its not as bad as it used to be. To the rest of the world though, this hatered doesn't exist, and why should it, its always been between us and the English, its got nothing to do with anyone else, its for us to sort out. But the worlds lack of awareness for relationships like ours just adds fuel to the fire when Black racists use history as an excuse to lash out at whites. Its led to a world where whites go to prison for Racism but blacks don't. Had the world learn sooner about the Racism directed towards whites, we'd have never developed an oppinion that saw only Blacks as victims of Racism.
Psychology is not easy to learn for most, because it deals with the deep roots of the problems. The attitude of this world is rooted very deeply in history, to the point where most have forgotten what started it all to begin with.
Now that im done ranting again, to answer your question, no, us in the UK dont call Autumn the Fall. (Though i understand why you call it fall, it makes sense). I have no idea why Sweet Potatos are called Yams in this game, as far as i was aware, Yams where something completely different to sweet Potatos.