Four Corners Farm Bombs or axe to cut down trees


It depends on whether or not foraging experience is still needed. Testing custom maps is handy to bomb stuff so you can see the clear area available :D

Lew Zealand

Bombs are great for clear cutting anything but mostly for saving time and effort. Bomby Farmland clearing is my speciality as @stardew_luv alluded to.

Mostly for the BOOOOOMy fun though!

But as @riklaunim said, you don't get any experience from it so its utility is variable. In early game I want that sweet sweet Foraging XP even though it takes forever to chop Trees (I leave a lot of stumps in Spring), plus Bombs are unavailable or expensive. In mid game is when Bombing Trees is best as you don't have the Iridium Axe yet but Bombs are reasonable cost, so I'll occasionally use them there.

In late game though I just don't need the Trees. And if I do, 3 Iridium chops and I have 22 Wood. The best place for Bombing Trees is if you full plant the Railroad/Desert/Quarry with Trees as you'll get tons of Wood from your BOOM and the sound of all those Trees falling is really quite pleasant. Like cicadas except you can build more than just macabre dioramas from the carcasses.

Remember to replant though!

Lew Zealand

Do you know if anyone sells battery packs?
The only place you can buy them is on occasion from the Traveling Cart Lady's rotating stock, but they're pretty rare. The best option might be to farm Iridium Bats in Skull Cavern past Level 50. They're a rare drop (5%) but common enough that its probably worth your time. And those bats have a pretty good drop table for other goodies so it can be a fun run thru the Cavern.


Local Legend
I will say there are two main downsides to using bombs for trees.

1. you don't get any forage xp, if you're working towards forage level 10 something like 100 trees can make a huge difference

2. the bigger issue is that you don't get tree seeds from trees chopped down with bombs, basically making it impossible to create a renewable source of wood. If you bomb most of the trees on your farm you can be left with few maple and oak tree seeds which are invaluable to tap later along in the game for recipes such as kegs and beehives.

I would recommend bombing to lower the tree hp then going in and finishing them off with the axe, this ensures you get the best of both worlds (plus it's super satisfying for each tree to fall in a single axe hit)