Birthday celebrations in community center


Staff member
It would be nice to have villagers visit in community center as part of their schedules during birthdays of characters such as Vincent or Jas (and to an extension all other npcs). It will add a good sense of community among the villagers!

I am suggesting more along the lines of how Evelyn visits community center as part of her schedule and not new events!
Awww that'd be cute! For sure would be great to expand on the community center. It could also be an event so schedules don't have to be modified a ton.


I really like this idea. it's a good place for birthdays and would add more use to the community centre after you've finished it


I'm down with any suggestion about CC. It feels SO UNDERUSED as of now, I'd gladly see more people hanging around there, and people celebrating their birthdays with some friends in CC would definitely be a nice theme ^^


I like this idea ^_^. Could be an event for npc birthdays where it's decorated and themed according to each individual npcs likes. (Emily's would be weird and colorful, Sam's town could put together a musical performance for him etc.)