Best spouse for a Joja route?

I've been planning to go Joja for a while now for that sweet achievement, but I'm holding on until 1.6 comes out so I can start a new farm.
However, I've been wondering: which of the bachelors/bachelorettes would fit the Joja route the best? I've already married Penny and Harvey on other saves, so they're out. I feel like Leah and Elliot would oppose Joja, and I (personally) don't like Shane.
What do you guys think about the others?


Is that the route where you help the market grow? If it is, I did that too and I married Elliott anyways, but if you want the whole theme then I guess Sam is the way to go.


Sam seems the best option if you dislike Shane.
Shane would be my top option otherwise, because he seems to appreciate Joja (though he dislikes his job there) as shown in one of his heart events.