Best QoL Mods


Hello all,
Looking for some suggestions for some Quality of Life (QoL) Mods I can install.
I've been playing the game for a while and never really looked at any mods. Now that I'm on my 2nd farm I'm curious to get the communities take on some good QoL mods to enhance my current and future farms.


Pathos has a pretty nice list to start with. It's up to date for 1.5, but if you're ever not sure about a SMAPI mod's status, you can check the compatibility page to see if there are issues or workarounds :)

I'm very partial to jump and swim mods, though I find slightly irksome the latter being on a toggle to auto-swim or not vs just pressing a key to jump in the water like the old one by Platonymous. Horse Overhaul has replaced the Pony Weight Loss program mod for me, though I haven't gotten to play with it much yet. I also always use at least the base mod of Anything Ponds, because I like empty ponds growing algae, and usually the (unbreedable) legendary fish ponds example pack. + the dolls because they are fun, but that's not really the same kind of mod :P

There are tons of mods out there though, and something that one person considers quality of life might be flagrantly cheaty to another person. I don't consider "new content" mods to fall under QoL personally, but there's tons of content available so once you've installed a few basic mods, chances are you'll end up browsing those too :D The #using-mods channel on the Stardew Valley Discord server would have a lot of suggestions, too.