Befriend the crows


Basically what the title says.

I love crows and they are curious, intelligent and superstitious birds with a silly hop and waddle.
Maybe a place where they hang out? Their sleeping tree in the evening?
Leave them treats regularly and you wont need scarecrows anymore.
They might even bring you silly gifts!

Crows are cool!

Lew Zealand

I cannot condone this crow befriending as it will result in extra competition for shiny trinkets throughout the valley, and if I do not get that quick flash of jewel-toned sparkle and it's associated burst of endorphins, I may very well not get out of bed in the morning.

Well, on those mornings I would have left bed.

However, if after befriending the crows they would, say, dig up the available Artifact Spots on the map so that I don't have to, then maybe I could get on board with this idea. Perhaps you need to give them a piece of Driftwood first to use as a digging stick?

Even better if they would grab the available Forage, or pick up items you dropped on the ground because your inventory was full. They could drop their collected gains on a random open tile on your Farm (to represent their nest), so you could pick them up the next day. After searching the Farm for the spot. If I feel like it...

Maybe one crow per item dug up/found/grabbed per day, so you'd need to befriend quite the phalanx of coerced corvids to advance your low-effort world vision. Ah, tradeoffs... what's lazier: training the crows to do your bidding or just doing the things yourself?
Or doing neither and discover your inner Gil.