Becoming Mayor


I think it would be a really cool and exciting idea to allow players to run for Mayor. The election could happen, say, once every year. A player could win the election by building friendship levels high enough with the townsfolk so they know who you are, and having the best answers in a debate event. Once elected, players would obviously have to take care of the town accordingly and if the townsfolk don't like how it's being run, then the player could be voted out at the next election. What do you all think? Let's get the devs attention to make this happen!!
I think it would be a really cool and exciting idea to allow players to run for Mayor. The election could happen, say, once every year. A player could win the election by building friendship levels high enough with the townsfolk so they know who you are, and having the best answers in a debate event. Once elected, players would obviously have to take care of the town accordingly and if the townsfolk don't like how it's being run, then the player could be voted out at the next election. What do you all think? Let's get the devs attention to make this happen!!
I dislike this idea. I don't want to be the mayor


Local Legend
Honestly, it kinda feels like we are already! You get are responsible for repairs to the valley, help regulate the economy, and fix a majority of personal problems for the citizens. Only thing lewis is doing is collecting taxes and using an alarming amount of truffle oil.

P.s. I like your pic it's as cute as a button.
Pretty much this. Also, being mayor is overrated.
Honestly, it kinda feels like we are already! You get are responsible for repairs to the valley, help regulate the economy, and fix a majority of personal problems for the citizens. Only thing lewis is doing is collecting taxes and using an alarming amount of truffle oil.

P.s. I like your pic it's as cute as a button.
You win.


Yeah. What if instead of running for mayor, you had the option of campaigning for either Lewis or an opponent? Like trying to convince people to vote for one or the other. Or convince someone to run against him and stump for that person. I'm supporting Pam. MSDVDA: Make Stardew Valley Drunk Again.


Local Legend
I think Gus will be a good candidate!
Probably, but to be completely fair, I think he became a bartender precisely because he doesn't want that kind of responsibility. Yes, he might be the most capable person in town, but those same qualities are what drives him to just make omelettes all day and hang out with (what i assume are) his friends.

I'm supporting Pam. MSDVDA: Make Stardew Valley Drunk Again.
Only if kegging potatos actually make vodka. Oh, and rice into sake. If so then she has my vote.