Anyone here participating in NaNoWriMo?

Magically Clueless

Staff member
i probably asked this last year hahaha

But yep, every November is National Novel Writing Month, where you try to write 50,000 words of a new project in 30 days. At first I was KILLING it, but IRL stuff blah blah something something I haven't written in 4 days, so I am no longer killing it :cry: I'm hoping making this thread is going to motivate me to try to get the 50k.

What are you guys working on if so, and how's your progress?
Shaming yourself not being entirely motivated to write might not effectively complete your project...

I guess writing to aim for money is harder to complete the novel.
Maybe try to motivate yourself by focusing on what brings more joy in writing—just a suggestion.
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I am not much of a writer, but I totally get working on a project with a deadline. Falling behind really is bad, I tend to beat my self up over things like that something fierce!

When I do write though, I focus on the story and think about the next part, maybe reread some of what is written to just get a feel for where it was going.
Project wise, work within your limits and if beating yourself up til you work on it is not a route to go. Try more self discipline, and have daily goals. Daily goal should also have rewards such as something you like, but not a big thing. For me it might be something akin to using my favorite face wash the next morning, or an extra half hour workout time. Good luck and I hope you get back on track to your goal. A daily goal tip that works for me; plan to finish way ahead of time so if you fall behind by a bit your main goal can still be accomplished.

I work mostly on worksheets for homeschooling. I have been writing short reading comprehension sheets this month. Although I have been thinking about writing a story to go with one of my let's plays... But that is still in debate... maybe wait til my writing skills are better and these worksheets are like mini writing lessons!
I am not much of a writer, but I totally get working on a project with a deadline. Falling behind really is bad, I tend to beat my self up over things like that something fierce!

I work mostly on worksheets for homeschooling. I have been writing short reading comprehension sheets this month. Although I have been thinking about writing a story to go with one of my let's plays... But that is still in debate... maybe wait til my writing skills are better and these worksheets are like mini writing lessons!
I like your strategy.
I think you are doing great.

Dr. eeL

I never gave it much thought, but each chapter of Middlewalk is about 1000 words long, and with 50 chapters written, well, that's 50k. However, even if I lived in Stardew Valley, I don't think that I would like to try thinking up all those stories under the pressure of a 30 day time limit. Besides, my birthday is in November, and there's turkey day, and time to open all those boxes of Christmas decorations . . . and NOT ENOUGH TIME TO WRITE A NOVEL.


I'm currently writing an SDV fanfic, and while I do think I'm not writing often enough (only 13k words since July), forcing myself to write 50k words in one month would be a probably unsurmountable challenge for me, since I have a very hard time starting a story from nothing, and it would remove the pleasure I have from writing. Also, I'm lazy :wink:

But I really should set myself a similar sort of goal though, otherwise this thing will never be done until way into next year. And I don't really have much excuse other than motivation since I can pre-write the chapters in my head while at work and then put them on paper when I feel like it.

(And now I'm also seriously reconsidering the idea of translating the whole fanfic myself, but that's another matter entirely :sweat: )

Magically Clueless

Staff member
i just wanted to pipe in that this is not a very serious topic and i wasn't looking for advice, i just wanted to talk about nano and to see who else was doing it and what they're up to, haha.

yay fanfics!!! i really need to finish mine, it's been a long time, but i have some good reasons for not doing it right now at least. i hope i can get around to finishing it sometime though. i'm currently working on my main original story that's been cooking in my head (and changing and growing) since i was 13. my goal is to get a finished draft of it by november of next year, though i still want to get the 50k done for this month