Anyone else super organized?... No just me? Lol


Anyone else super organized about their gameplay?
How do you organize your tasks?
Do you make a bullet list?
Do you have folders galore?
How do you keep your gameplay in check?

Asking for a friend....jk there are no friends...
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Totally. I have far too many notes detailing exactly what I'm gonna do weeks in advance - it's getting kinda bad haha.

Often I'll make a note for each kind of activity (farming, mining, cutting trees, giving gifts, etc) and everything I need to know about that activity depending on the day and season and everything else. For example, if I know I need a certain amount of wood, I tally up however much I need for all my tasks, and then designate when I need an upgraded axe, where I should chop trees, for how long, and so on. It can get quite complicated, since each piece (like getting an upgraded axe) also has a bajillion steps to it.


Totally. I have far too many notes detailing exactly what I'm gonna do weeks in advance - it's getting kinda bad haha.

Often I'll make a note for each kind of activity (farming, mining, cutting trees, giving gifts, etc) and everything I need to know about that activity depending on the day and season and everything else. For example, if I know I need a certain amount of wood, I tally up however much I need for all my tasks, and then designate when I need an upgraded axe, where I should chop trees, for how long, and so on. It can get quite complicated, since each piece (like getting an upgraded axe) also has a bajillion steps to it.
You just made my brain hurt but in a good way. I wish I was that organized.
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I plan out everything I want to do mostly for a month in advance and as I reach the end of a month I start planning the next. I have to be very ready for my days when crops need harvesting especially. Lucky days do change my schedule often though.


I pretty much only write stuff down at the beginning of the month, like how many seeds and fertilizer I need to get, and maybe a little map of where things will be planted and sometimes I might jot down how much wood or stone I need to build something.

I also have a list of the fish and food I still need to catch and make on my current run, but since quarantine started I lost thing in a big pile of junk. :love:


Totally. I have far too many notes detailing exactly what I'm gonna do weeks in advance - it's getting kinda bad haha.

Often I'll make a note for each kind of activity (farming, mining, cutting trees, giving gifts, etc) and everything I need to know about that activity depending on the day and season and everything else. For example, if I know I need a certain amount of wood, I tally up however much I need for all my tasks, and then designate when I need an upgraded axe, where I should chop trees, for how long, and so on. It can get quite complicated, since each piece (like getting an upgraded axe) also has a bajillion steps to it.
This sounds lime something my wife might do. I don’t think she’s done it for Stardew Valley yet, but she loves making spreadsheets for stuff!


You just made my brain hurt but in a good way. I wish I was that organized.
It was done in what I can only call a delighted frenzy when I first started playing the game. Pretty handy, actually.

This sounds lime something my wife might do. I don’t think she’s done it for Stardew Valley yet, but she loves making spreadsheets for stuff!
My kind of person! Spreadsheets are awesome!

I suppose I'll have to organize them into something I can post here haha.


I started to take notes last night just because I was tired of buying too much at Pierre's and being annoyed when I need to save up for something else hahaha But my farm is starting to look pretty good hahaha. I'm actually starting to feel really proud of it.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Man, tallying how much wood and stuff you'll need for your plans is a great idea. I'm not super organized, but this thread definitely gave me some inspo!


It was done in what I can only call a delighted frenzy when I first started playing the game. Pretty handy, actually.

My kind of person! Spreadsheets are awesome!

I suppose I'll have to organize them into something I can post here haha.
I'm going to start today. I'm making a list of everything I need to make a list for. Birthdays bundles chest organizing and so on.