Anyone else 'save up' goods for sale?


For some reason, late game, I always tend to stash a load of stuff in chests to 'save them up for sale - cheese, mayo, wines, jelly, artifacts, diamonds etc - see my current 3 chests contents attached... I love selling them all at end of the season/year!
Anyone else do this?



Local Legend
Very impressive collection of goods indeed!
@FilthyGorilla has some pretty epic posts here about saving, breaking the game, winding up with negative income as a result. 😋

But yours is quite impressive too! Do ask @FilthyGorilla before selling so you don’t risk negative money, unless that’s your goal 😁
Yes I have been quite the hoarder, I even made a couple of videos for the truly massive sales as it's pretty hard to convey just how much the numbers fly around with just a screenshot

Lew Zealand

I hoard for things for purposes 🐬:

• All the
Liked and
Loved gifts early on for Villager gifts
• All of the 6 best/cheapest colors for Dyeing\Prismatic Grange
• All of certain items for Tailoring like Wool, Rainbow Shell, Blueberry, Sunflower, Golden Coconuts
• All Gems and Artifacts because shiny!
• All metal Bars, Syrups, other building materials for projects
• 10 of each Fish in case I want them for Ponds
• 2-5 of everything else to be used for Tailoring all Clothing

But Farm goods that can be processed? That all gets sold immediately because that's the whole point of processing them! I need that g to build new Sheds for Emily's next project.
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Oh sell stuff who does that? 🤯

I'm a hoarder I try hard to sell it then think 🤔 but I might need it someone might ask for that or I might want it for something....20 or 40 chests later when I can't find anything I think I'll re-organise everything and sell what I don't need nope I just add more.

So on my most recent save I make a rule no more then 20 of anything that's not for production,
Eg - eggs to make mayo but no more then 20 mayo rest is sold maybe 20 of each variety 🫣 but still no more,