iOS Anyone else having this toolbar issue?

Hello. Playing on iOS and I've started having issues. This was not a problem when I first was playing. It hit after a couple weeks. my tool bar started sticking and jumping. I'll try to pull it all the way to the right to try and access items on the left (aka the first items that I use the most). The first issue is that it'll never quite pull all the way to the right. I can get as far as the pickaxe and then it stops. And if I try to click an item it will jump to a random item in my toolbar instead. I've accidentally blown up crops trying to grab a pickaxe to move a sprinkler and dropped a bomb instead. The only semi solution is to go into my inventory and move the items I need to the end of my tool bar. It's just annoying doing this several times a day depending on what I want to use. Is there anyone else experiencing this and has anyone found a solution?