1.6 Update Any work boots changes?

Hi, I play on switch so I won’t play the new update for a while, but I was wondering if there are any new ways to obtain work boots now. It’s the only thing I don’t have in my one perfection game and I have literally everything. I understand the chances are really low, but if anyone has any information, let me know!!
I understand it’s not in the change log, but there’s already tons of stuff that was included that isn’t in the log, so I’m still kinda hoping.
Can a 1.6 player please explain what this means/causes:
One video said it always contains rarer fishing chests items, but I’m not sure if it’s new items or old ones that are rare LIKE the work boots
@sameperson_differentfont i think i found what you're looking for. Big spoilers ahead but it looks like these gold fishing chests actually reduce the chances for work boots, sorry =/

Keep reading past the treasure chest loot list for details.
This is where I would curse but I’ll settle for screaming instead

Yeah I think the fishing page literally just got updated- work boots chance been reduced by 0.002% with the update as a whole- but it would be even reduced more with the new thing



I’m in the same boat as you are. Have you considered using multiplayer mode with remixed mines turned on and yoloing the mines treasure chests? I haven’t don’t this personally but I’m curious to know if it would work. another part of my wants to get it the legit way… sigh..
I’m in the same boat as you are. Have you considered using multiplayer mode with remixed mines turned on and yoloing the mines treasure chests? I haven’t don’t this personally but I’m curious to know if it would work. another part of my wants to get it the legit way… sigh..
It doesn't work if you never had remixed mines turned on in the first place, trust me, I've tried


Fortunately it looks like golden chests are either optional or toggleable, not sure which yet.
Golden fishing chests appear after you claim fishing mastery (not all chests will be gold, regular ones still appear too). Technically you could not claim it and keep the very slightly higher chance of the Work Boots appearing in regular fishing chests.