Animals eat crops


How about making a game a bit harder and making animals able to eat crops? Let they prefer grass, but if there's no grass nearby, they're starting eating crops!
It will give sense to fences. Because currently they are more like a decoration. But after this change a player should plan their layout to separate animals from crops with fencing.

Old Man Tab

Letting that happen will make the game impossible

How do you expect to make money if your animals are going to eat your crops?

Im not insulting you or degrading you

Because you have crows already that is eating your crops

But what i can suggest is that what if you used vegetables to make animal feed for your farm animals also?

Just a suggestion


Why impossible? Put up fences to split animal zone and crops zone.
If animals accidentally ate your crops, lock them inside of a barn, make fences, then plant new crops.
If you run out of money, go collect wild plants, and minerals and sell it, you can fish as well.

If it's too hard for you, it could be an option on creating the world.

Old Man Tab

So if you suggesting that they eat your crops,do they only eat one crop or how many crops do they eat per day?

Because you saw my suggestion regarding animal feed (its in game suggestions)

But locking your animals inside your sounds abit harsh just because they ate your crops

The fence part is a good suggestion


But locking your animals inside your sounds abit harsh just because they ate your crops
We don't have any tool to drive the herd into the barn. So the only way is to wait till the night and close the barn doors until you make some fencing.

So if you suggesting that they eat your crops,do they only eat one crop or how many crops do they eat per day?
It would be the same speed as eating the grass, I believe. So the herd of cows can easily destroy most or all of your crops! It can sound tough, be it teaches you to plan a farm and fix fences in time.
Also there should be a notification "Animals have wandered off and are destroying your crops!"


It could be a double-edged sword:

* Each animal would have certain crops they would prefer, like pigs preferring tubers, chickens preferring seeds, and rabbits preferring leaf vegetables.
* If they eat a crop they like, they'll get a happiness boost and produce a bit better the next day 1-3 days depending on the crop's quality and value.
* With multi-yield crops, they'll eat the crop without removing the plant.
* There could be a new craftabble through in which you can place crops, placeable both indoors and outdoors. Animals that detect a through will go check it out every day before going to eat grass. If they see something they like, they'll eat one.
* Daily animal feeding priority would then become: crops>through>grass>feeding bench.

Fencing crops would become more important, but in exchange, you can get a little boost to animal feeding.

Old Man Tab

It could be a double-edged sword:

* Each animal would have certain crops they would prefer, like pigs preferring tubers, chickens preferring seeds, and rabbits preferring leaf vegetables.
* If they eat a crop they like, they'll get a happiness boost and produce a bit better the next day 1-3 days depending on the crop's quality and value.
* With multi-yield crops, they'll eat the crop without removing the plant.
* There could be a new craftabble through in which you can place crops, placeable both indoors and outdoors. Animals that detect a through will go check it out every day before going to eat grass. If they see something they like, they'll eat one.
* Daily animal feeding priority would then become: crops>through>grass>feeding bench.

Fencing crops would become more important, but in exchange, you can get a little boost to animal feeding.
No offence,but pigs eat everything.and ducks/chickens are grain eaters as well
Your third point is actually a good idea


Local Legend
It could be a double-edged sword:

* Each animal would have certain crops they would prefer, like pigs preferring tubers, chickens preferring seeds, and rabbits preferring leaf vegetables.
* If they eat a crop they like, they'll get a happiness boost and produce a bit better the next day 1-3 days depending on the crop's quality and value.
* With multi-yield crops, they'll eat the crop without removing the plant.
* There could be a new craftabble through in which you can place crops, placeable both indoors and outdoors. Animals that detect a through will go check it out every day before going to eat grass. If they see something they like, they'll eat one.
* Daily animal feeding priority would then become: crops>through>grass>feeding bench.

Fencing crops would become more important, but in exchange, you can get a little boost to animal feeding.
I like the idea about the trough, but what would void chickens preferred food be? Lol. Slimes?