Ancient Fruit

Lew Zealand

Ancient Fruit is ideal in the Greenhouse but even if you don't have that yet, plant it in the Spring outside and you'll have a highly profitable multiple harvest crop for 3 seasons, especially if you stuff them into Preserves Jars or Kegs+Casks if you have the Cellar.


Ancient Fruit is ideal in the Greenhouse but even if you don't have that yet, plant it in the Spring outside and you'll have a highly profitable multiple harvest crop for 3 seasons, especially if you stuff them into Preserves Jars or Kegs+Casks if you have the Cellar.
Yup, this! Never start an Ancient Fruit in fall; just save it for the next spring or for when you get the greenhouse done. Get as many harvests as possible!


I might be stating the obvious, but If you grow ancient fruit outside, you better save some fruit to make seeds with the help of a seed maker. Ancient seeds are hard to come buy. Of course, once you plant it in your greenhouse, your supply of fruit becomes unlimited.
Ancient fruit has always been my go-to fruit, I use it to build up my riches. And then retire my farmer with a vineyard. Something I've always wanted to do on Harvest Moon. Pretty much ever since I played back to nature, and helped that npc down the road from my farm. He asks you to help pick grapes for his wine.