Switch All NPC Characters glitch rapidly between facing different directions, after I talk to them, and ONLY when I walk away from them DIAGONALLY


About 1 out of 3 times when I talk to an NPC character, and then I walk away from them while they are looking at me, they then quickly glitch to facing a different way (while standing in the same spot) multiple times and different directions before then going back to whatever they were doing. Keep in mind that this is in a Vanilla, non multiplayer game, and I play on switch (I bought stardew in E-Shop). the And this doesn’t just happen with one character, but almost every time I talk to any NPC and walk away. Since I couldn’t upload a video of it happening, I improvised and I made and attached multiple GIFs of screen recordings I took that shows Penny, Kent, and George glitching the way they are facing when I walk away from them. If you watch each character, This seems like it happens ONLY when I don’t walk away in a straight line and instead walk away diagonally or just not in a horizontal or Vertical Line. As the GIFs show, they stop glitching immediately once I start walking in a vertical Or horizontal line. Please tell me I’m not the only one having this is Issue. It’s not game breaking, but it’s a little annoying. I wanna talk to my husband and Leave without him glitching out 😭
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