Solved Adopt'n'Skin(beta) File Name Question


i downloaded the adopt'n'skin beta to replace my CP animal reskinners, and picked out all of my favorites from Elle's awesome sprites. Elle provides specific downloads with pre-formatted files to place in the adopt'n'skin folder, and i read through Gathouria's very detailed instructions on the mod's nexus page, but i still came up with this message in my SMAPI log:

09:47:00     WARN     Adopt & Skin     Ignored skins with invalid extension:
``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``
Extension must be one of type .png, .xnb
    repeats [4] times.
09:47:00     WARN     Adopt & Skin     Ignored skins with invalid naming convention:
`Golden`, `GoldenBaby`
Can't parse as an animal, pet, or horse. Expected one of type: whitechicken, babywhitechicken, brownchicken, babybrownchicken, bluechicken, babybluechicken, voidchicken, babyvoidchicken, goldenchicken, babygoldenchicken, duck, babyduck, rabbit, babyrabbit, dinosaur, whitecow, babywhitecow, browncow, babybrowncow, goat, babygoat, pig, babypig, sheep, babysheep, shearedsheep, ostrich, babyostrich, cat, dog, horse
09:47:00     WARN     Adopt & Skin     The following skins are incomplete skin sets, and will not be loaded (missing a paired sheared, baby, or adult skin):
browncow: IDs 11
09:47:00     DEBUG     Adopt & Skin     NOTICE: The following creature types have no skins located in `/assets/skins`:
babygoldenchicken, goldenchicken
09:47:00     DEBUG     Adopt & Skin     Host detected! Let's WRECK IT
09:47:00     DEBUG     Adopt & Skin     No adopter able to be detected. Horse 2 will be owned by the host player.
10:00:13     ERROR     Adopt & Skin     Incorrect number of arguments given. The command requires 2 arguments, 0 were given.
10:00:41     ERROR     Adopt & Skin     Incorrect number of arguments given. The command requires 1 arguments, 0 were given.
10:21:32     DEBUG     Adopt & Skin     Host detected! Let's WRECK IT
i have attached a screenshot of the mods folder with an example of some of the files here:

Screen Shot 2021-01-06 at 10.41.53 AM.png

...and as i have no idea what i am doing i could most certainly have done something incorrectly in my installation of this mod, so if anybody has any insight it would be greatly appreciated :)


You have skins named "GoldenBaby" and "Golden", which should be babygoldenchicken and goldenchicken. One of your brown cow skins, skin 11, is missing a baby sprite. The invalid extension thing may just mean you have some loose hidden files somewhere--if all your skins show up in game, it shouldn't be a problem.


You have skins named "GoldenBaby" and "Golden", which should be babygoldenchicken and goldenchicken. One of your brown cow skins, skin 11, is missing a baby sprite. The invalid extension thing may just mean you have some loose hidden files somewhere--if all your skins show up in game, it shouldn't be a problem.
thank you so much! i just went through and fixed it. i may be clueless on the technical details about all of this, but by golly i will have my grey holland lop bunny rabbit if it's the last thing i do :cool::proud: thank you again for your quick response i really appreciate it