A bit late, but you can view the updated PDF here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ek7h6zn9ul2gxp1/Stardew Rules v2 for Download.pdfAlso, I saw in another thread you mentioned uploading a PDF of the updated ruleset. Was that made available?
If you can post these questions here I'll see what I can do to create an FAQ of some sort, or perhaps add to the PDF ruleset online.Are there any plans (for downloadable PDF version) to iterate on the rulebook even more?
There are some questions circulating, i've had some doubts aboutcertain rules, other people too. I'd love to see a slightly more extensive rules, targeting some specific cards or cases.
Message sent. Looking forward to hearing from you.Please send me a message through the Shopify website and I will fill you in!