Adding a buildable Garage


Hiii! I think the idea of being able to let Robin build a garage for your farm would be amazing, you could store up to 3 farming machines to either cut down wood, crush many stones at ones or water your crops. You’d have to build these machines yourself and would have to make fuel for them to work
It would make cleaning up bigger farms with loads of trees faster and be more efficient. Even maybe add the possibility of adding a truck or something so you could get into calico desert on your own without having to depend on the bus or totems
Hiii! I think the idea of being able to let Robin build a garage for your farm would be amazing, you could store up to 3 farming machines to either cut down wood, crush many stones at ones or water your crops. You’d have to build these machines yourself and would have to make fuel for them to work
It would make cleaning up bigger farms with loads of trees faster and be more efficient. Even maybe add the possibility of adding a truck or something so you could get into calico desert on your own without having to depend on the bus or totems
In my eyes you have in the late game a lot of automation and dont need much time/energiy to farm.
So I think this would much better fit in a mod where you get another huge area to farm on. With SVE you get already some extra areas. So maybe this could be extended somehow...