Add to existing stacks assigned key/button


I love this game, I have put hundreds of hours into multiple playthroughs.

The addition of 'Add to existing stacks' is great, I just wish there was a key or button bound to the action. I try to play very efficient and organized, so being able to open a chest and press "R" on the keyboard for example to do the 'add to existing stacks' action would be top-notch.



Local Legend
Hot-keys for anything not already hot-keyed that also can't be mis-fired (the "R" is not super-close to a key we'll be going for when this could be used) or mis-targeted (as you're in the chest, the target) like this? It won't change gameplay for 90+% of people, but help those folks that like hot-keys.

I remember having to exclusively use hot-keys to navigate Windows for about a month once way back during Windows 98. My mouse died and I couldn't replace it right away. You learn some creative shortcuts pretty quick that way. I love shortcuts.