Question Add tile in Tiled and Content Patcher


Hi, I have the following problem, I want to add a custom tile to my map, I use the Tiled program to do this.
The problem is that when I load the map with "Content Patcher" it does not start because it cannot find the new tile.


When you edit a map in Tiled, you need to make sure that all that all the tilesheets (pngs) are in the same folder as the map*. You should not have to manually locate a tilesheet. That and avoiding using "save as" to save to a different folder than the one you're editing in should keep that from happening.

Once you've already saved the map like that though, the easiest way to fix it is to open the .tmx file in a text editor (like notepad), search for image source and then edit out any absolute file paths to replace them with relative ones, e.g. ../../../mycooltiles.png should just be mycooltiles.png , without all that folder info in front.

If you're not using .tmx, you should! It's simpler to work with and has extra features, like tile rotation. To fix a .tbin file, you'll need to edit the tileset in Tiled and fix the image source from there.
  1. In the 'Tilesets' pane, click the "broken" tilesheet's tab and click the edit icon at the bottom (which looks like a wrench). This should open the tilesheet in a separate tab.
  2. At the top, click Tileset > Tileset Properties. This should open a 'Properties' pane .
  3. Click the 'image' field, click the 'edit' button that appears, and click 'browse' in the window that opens.
  4. Select png you want to add, and make sure it's in the same folder as the tbin you are currently editing. Copy it there beforehand if necessary!
Keep in mind too that while this is a common problem that we hopefully won't end up needing more info on, that ideally you'd include at least a SMAPI log when you first ask for help, so that we can see the error for ourselves and any other info that might be relevant :)

* It can be in a subfolder of the one your map is in, but not on a higher level. And whatever organization you use, has to match whatever you give to the game via SMAPI/Content Patcher.