add in-game appearance mods without having to download mods, pls!


I recently saw "mods" that change the appearance of buildings, the floor, plants, and I tried to download the mod yesterday and ended up not getting it, I found it a bit complicated I beg you, please !, add some mods appearance to the game without having to download the mod, that players can modify in the robin (npc) o " theme "with the appearance she wants from the buildings.
(Please, please, please!) ^ ²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³


Building appearances can already be changed by painting them. I'm not affiliated with and can't speak for the devs, but it seems pretty unlikely that they'd spend a lot of update time creating new assets only to have them be optional versions of buildings that already exist vs new stuff (let alone directly taken from an existing mod), if that's what you meant!

That said, mods in Stardew pretty much just consist of downloading a folder to put inside another folder. There are several places you can ask for help if you run into trouble, including here :)

First step is always installing SMAPI, but you can check out the getting started guide if you haven't already. Feel free to describe where you got stuck if you decide to ask for help!


I recently saw "mods" that change the appearance of buildings, the floor, plants, and I tried to download the mod yesterday and ended up not getting it, I found it a bit complicated I beg you, please !, add some mods appearance to the game without having to download the mod, that players can modify in the robin (npc) o " theme "with the appearance she wants from the buildings.
(Please, please, please!) ^ ²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³²³
It will be helpful if you can point out to us what "appearance changer" you want to apply.

In general, up-to-date "appearance changers" will need 2 things to be installed, in order:
  1. SMAPI
  2. Content Patcher (CP)
Afterwards, just extract the downloaded archive into SDV's "Mods" folder, and SMAPI + CP will automatically pick it up.