Ability to track characters.


I think it would be awesome if there was a way you could select a character, and turn on a tracking feature for them, and see where they currently are, or where they’re going. That way if you have gifts to bring them or quests to turn it, it’s easier to find them. 🙂


For debug reasons, you can type

debug where "charactername"

to find out where they are.

If you wanted this in a ingame setting and wanted to know where every single character is (aka, ULTIMATE STALKER MODE) you could use this code.

foreach( GameLocation loc in Game1.locations)
    if(loc.characters.Count > 0)
        foreach( NPC npc in loc.characters )
            Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(npc.Name + " : " + loc.Name + " at " + npc.Tile.X +","+npc.Tile.Y));
Just put this into the OnTimeChanged method and you will be notified every couple seconds. :D

(oh yeah. for your original request, you can use this method here for where a certain person is. I dunno how to make a hud for this whole thing, (in order to set which character you want) but heres what I got so far.

void whereIsCharacter(string npcName)
    foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations)
        if (loc.characters.Count > 0)

            foreach (NPC npc in loc.characters)
                if (npc.Name == npcName)
                    Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(npc.Name + " : " + loc.Name + " at " + npc.Tile.X + "," + npc.Tile.Y));

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For debug reasons, you can type

debug where "charactername"

to find out where they are.

If you wanted this in a ingame setting and wanted to know where every single character is (aka, ULTIMATE STALKER MODE) you could use this code.

foreach( GameLocation loc in Game1.locations)
    if(loc.characters.Count > 0)
        foreach( NPC npc in loc.characters )
            Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(npc.Name + " : " + loc.Name + " at " + npc.Tile.X +","+npc.Tile.Y));
Just put this into the OnTimeChanged method and you will be notified every couple seconds. :D

(oh yeah. for your original request, you can use this method here for where a certain person is. I dunno how to make a hud for this whole thing, (in order to set which character you want) but heres what I got so far.

void whereIsCharacter(string npcName)
    foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations)
        if (loc.characters.Count > 0)

            foreach (NPC npc in loc.characters)
                if (npc.Name == npcName)
                    Game1.addHUDMessage(new HUDMessage(npc.Name + " : " + loc.Name + " at " + npc.Tile.X + "," + npc.Tile.Y));

Ehhhhhh… I’m to dumb for that
I think it would be awesome if there was a way you could select a character, and turn on a tracking feature for them, and see where they currently are, or where they’re going. That way if you have gifts to bring them or quests to turn it, it’s easier to find them. 🙂
As written, always look into the mods. There will be a solution for many wishes as others thought so too...

But for the suggestion itself I think it would be cool, if we could get a "wizard spell" to look for persons where they are for the next hours.
On the other hand there could be more randomness for the ways / stays of NPCs!