Switch Abigale Breaks Bus Stop Boundry


I was walking through the bust stop today and noticed that Abigail went through the bottom left corner of the area. This is out of bounds and should not be possible. I guess I make her so angry as a Husband that she decided to take the scenic route.
Please ignore me walking into the sign. I was talking to someone irl and didn’t notice.


I was walking through the bust stop today and noticed that Abigail went through the bottom left corner of the area. This is out of bounds and should not be possible. I guess I make her so angry as a Husband that she decided to take the scenic route.
Please ignore me walking into the sign. I was talking to someone irl and didn’t notice.
Mobile is notorious for defying the normal patterns and boundaries of the game. We can’t go out of bounds but everyone else can, does and will, they may even disappear from the game entirely for a day, or my all time favorite is when they get stranded on Ginger island overnight lol!


Elliot did the same exact thing. Seb went the opposite way in my most recent file. I just say he’s taking a trip into the void and I make sure to give him sashimi in the morning to take with him lol This is definitely a bug I’m seeing more and more of.