a whole new strawberry field- hello!

Hi hello I’m cate!

I work in online communities in real life, and I don’t know why didn’t dawn on me SDV has a forum! :sick:

I’m cate new to gaming, SDV, and farming. In real life my partner Eric and I play together! He is leaps and bounds ahead of me in terms of navigating quests, let alone the controller. Growing up, I was incubated in a Victorian house with public television, and borrowed Star Trek on VHS from the library. This was early 90’s into 2000’s— thus my experience in a beautiful time capsule, with no gaming, Disney channel, etc.

SDV has felt like a safe place to explore without having to defend a BoSs, or hunt and cook entire meals (any don’t starve fans out there?) :ghost:

Enjoying it, but I have a difficult time concentrating on the large goal, like the old community center quests.. rather into exploring and ensuring my pet cat is watered


Aww, I was expecting a post full of Beatles references. I was all prepared with a "forever goodbye!" and everything...
Anyways, welcome!


Local Legend
Welcome to the forums, and honestly, stardew is a game that has no real "main way" to play, it's entirely up to the player and their wants. If you want to run around and explore you should totally do so, nothing of significance is time gated so you can always go back to something you don't want to do right now

Luna Overall

Hi!! Welcome here cate!!
Hope you and your partner are having lots of fun playing Stardew Valley, there's nothing like taking care of a farm with a loved one!