A thought on all the suggestions for other uses of the Community Center


For all suggestions to use the Community Center - a classroom for Penny, a bank to deposit funds, etc. - what happens if you take the Joja route instead of doing the Community Center bundles?

As I understand, doing so turns the CC into a Joja warehouse. Would Pelican Town just never get the new additions?

Because you can turn the warehouse into a theater, I don't think you could add the new features to the warehouse building.

Would taking the Joja route mean forfeiting access to any such additions to the CC?


Probably. I mean, Joja is kind of antithetical to the ethos of Stardew Valley, so I really can't see there being some kind of reward for taking that route.

Although you can get the same gameplay benefits from going the Joja route, so... *shrug*

I almost think it would be appropriate to have anti-versions of thise events if you get the warehouse--instead of Penny getting a classroom, Joja hires a teacher who takes Penny's job and inculcates the children with a "Serve Joja, Consume More" ethic. Or instead of a bank where you can deposit money, there's a Jojacorp Payday Lender who loans money for an exorbitant rate. >:D