A question about dyeing


I'm getting ready to start this so I go to the wiki, and I'm not understanding the difference between strong, medium, and regular strengths. For example, there are over twenty recipes for Blue, three strong, one medium, and the rest regular, yet they all yield the same, 46,85,183 RGB. Is there perhaps a difference in the alpha, a strong dye guaranteed to make the item blue while regular might let some of the richly colored original show through?

Lew Zealand

Are you running clothing items through the Sewing Machine using a dye item in the Spool spot? What I experience is that "dyeing" this way colors an originally white item 1/3 they way towards the target color of the dye. Put the same item through with the same dye and it gets 2/3 the way there. Repeat one more time and you get the "full strength color". However it seems this way of dyeing does not treal all colors equally. Ie: blue from a Blackberry is different than blue from another dye. I think using 3 Magma Caps as a dye is the best example as you get a shirt the color of a Magma Cap, which is not one of the 6 canonical dye colors.

If you want better control over color, use Emily's Dye Pots. You need to bring one of each of the 6 Dye colors and you need to be wearing the item(s) you want to dye (you can do a shirt and pants at the same time). But you can then choose from the full range of colors using the same sliders from character setup for pants, hair, and eye color.

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Here is what the wiki says about Dye Strength
Wow I must be using the wrong dyes because I've never seen it work that way, but then I've never used any of those for red. I'm too cheap to use Fire Quartz or Spaghetti for Dye, I use Salmonberries!