
Lew Zealand

Seagull 1: [near Seagull 2's ear] psst...
Seagull 2: ...
S1: psst...
S2: ...
S1: hey!
S2: Whaaa-- stop with the yelling, I'm right here!
S1: I was psst-ing for like the last 3 minutes and you didn't hear nothing.
S2: Eww get away from me, I thought this water was too warm.
S1: No! Trying to get your attention!
S2: Oh. [slaps S1 upside the head] Try that next time.
S1: Wiseguy. Listen, that furryface monkey is going out on the dead log again, wanna grab some free lunch?
S2: Nah, I was gonna steal something from the miniature stripey monkey on the beach.
S1: Not worth it, the taller monkey it's usually with got that sharp hair. Myrtle got jabbed something bad by it when misjudging a landing last week, she's laid up in nest.
S2: No Myrtle? More for me, OK I'm in!
S1: No, more for me! I gots extra mouths to feed!
S2: What your head grow another one, izzat all that sqwawkin' I'm hearing?!
S1: Oh that's IT! Yer gonna get it!

Seagull skirmish ensues, meandering over to Willy's boat.
"Stupid gulls at it again, where's my earplugs. How are there only 2 today yet somehow my ears are already ringing?" Willy evaluates the ocean view. "Hmm, the currents are heading past SE Ginger Island and there's cloud cover, would be a shame if it rained there..."