
bella w

where do I ask about mutiplayer and why it different between switch and xbox I have a friend who saved me stuff but can not trade on switch please help. we were on via switch and my friend wanted to help me in my game buy found that it different to xbox were you can invite a friend but on switch they have to create a new character in which to come to my valley


Staff member
Stardew Valley multiplayer allows you to join other people's game by creating a new character to join their farm. Progress in the game is per-farm, meaning that progress you make on one farm has no effect on another farm that you or someone else creates. Because of this, "trading" items or other resources between farms is not a feature of the game, and not possible on any platform.

It's possible that your friend has invited other people to play with them on Xbox and didn't realize that when people joined your friend's farm, they had to create a new character.