Windows 1.6 Multiplayer Disconnection Issue


Hi all,
Me and my friend have been playing Stardew for about 100 hours nearly on a multi world and enjoying it without any issues, however today when we got on to play we suddenly encountered instances of forced disconnection, notably only on my end (non-server host).
Prior to this there hadn't been any moments where this had happened before so we were rather perplexed.
I think it was on the eighth or so time we decided to do the usual trouble shooting, checking out internet speeds, rebooting the game, checking game files integrity, restarting pc's and modems, and of course looking all over for an answer online, sadly there was nothing that could help us. We continued to play and got a few days in with still quite a lot of disconnections impeding us and ended up giving up.
Each time I was kicked I could still see the server and was able to reconnect quick enough, the only exception being; once after getting kicked that I couldn't even see the server world in the multi menu screen.
With that I've come to the source for help to see if anyone has any ideas as to why this might be happening.

Full error text: The Server Has Closed The Connection
OS: PC/Steam
In-game Language: English
Keyboard & Mouse
Version Number:
v1.6.8 build 24119

  • There was no updates for windows on either my friends or my pc's.
  • We hadn't noticed any firewall related notifications on windows.
  • No new programs were installed on our pc's recently either.
Thanks to all that take the time to have a read and have any suggestions.

