Switch 1.6 Issues Co-op


All three players play on Ver# with fully updated systems, these errors have presented both on Local and Online . A couple of issues we have experienced are:

Chickens disappeared day 2 on meadowlands farm
The software will close, I have yet to notice a rhyme or reason for the errors (Its crashed while fishing, when one player tries to go to bed, mining, chopping trees, opening chests, and a few other instances all intermittent and not regular)
Bombs crashing the game (by the two non leader players, host can place bombs consistent issue)
Lag (walking around, watering crops, opening chests, mining, it'll buffer and then eventually process and complete the task)
Independent crashing (Host won't crash but other players will crash or disconnect-might be partially connection issue, no specific cause)
Rain has not appeared since summer year 1 (Currently in summer year 2, rain totems work but naturally occurring rain has not happened)
Items freeze (When an item is dropped be that in the mines or by another player, it takes a bit for the character to pick it up, eventually does work)


Husband and I on split-screen Switch co-op have had frequent crashes (every three-ish in-game days), multiple stuttering lags a day (each one alarming, as we brace to see if it’ll be a full crash), and my fishing rod makes a horrible screeching sound when preparing to release it.