Windows [1.6.9] Error on new day & in-game charaters can be passed through abnormally


Description: I was playing with my friend in multiplayer. It was Fall 27 Year 2 and during the day transition, the game crushed on the host's side, and the game wasn't saved. We noticed something bizzare that all characters (animals excluded) in game can be passed through without feeling stagnant. After the first crash, we tried again by playing normally until the end of the day, during which we found the characters were back to normal again at Spirit's Eve, meaning we can pass through them but stangnantly, but the game crashed eventually like last time. We then had a third try, the characters were still abnormal like the first time, but at the end of the day I said to my friend out of intuition maybe it was the problem of the prize tickets we had found at the event, and we should put them in the chest before we went to bed. I wasn't sure why I said that, but we did that and it turned out to be fine and the we had a normal transition of that day and succesfully saved the game.
Full Error Text: See in attach files with two crashes (.txt) and the game save file (.zip).
OS using: Windows 11
In-game Language: Chinese
Controller or keyboard/mouse: keyboard/mouse
Version number: 1.6.9 'beta' build 24274
PS: It may be the same issue like in this post : We also started a new run both in single-player and multiplayer and nothing seems to be wrong.
Update: A thrid crush just happened at the end of the day, so we have to stop playing until it's fixed. The third error log is uploaded as well.


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