wild seeds

  1. hottabych91

    Windows Wild plants shown as dead

    When you plant wild seeds, a crop is shown using a random sprite. Sometimes it uses a dead plant sprite! But they aren't dead (it's easy to check with a scythe - they won't be destroyed), if still being watered, they turn into a mature plant . Seems like many other people encountered this bug...
  2. Windows Bug - Iridium Scythe

    The bug simply involves harvesting forage grown from wild seeds with an iridium scythe. Doing so makes all the forage regular quality. Resetting the day and harvesting them by hand fixes the issue.
  3. Windows Harvesting wild seeds in garden pots only gives base quality forage

    Harvesting wild seeds in garden pots will only produce base quality forage, the expected result is that the forage grown in the garden pots will be affected by your forage level, and any related foraging perks/ quality fertilizer. Deluxe fertilizer also has no effect on the quality of forage you...
  4. PC Farm computer does not count plants and fruits grown from Wild Seeds

    Subj. IMO if I intentionally planted them on my farm, computer must count it and report their state along with other crops. Now it counts them as planted, but does not count when they are ready to harvest.
  5. redbobcat

    Tip: Wild Seeds

    You probably know that every season you can forage 3-4 different plants and convert them into 10 wild seeds. Like Spring Seeds, Summer Seeds, etc. Here is a tip: there is 1 ingredient for every season that you can run through a Seed Maker and get 1-3 wild seeds from it alone and it’s usually the...
  6. redbobcat

    Tip: First day of a season planting made easier

    This is what I do to make planting on a first day of a season easier. Note, I do use sprinkles, as soon as I can make at least the quality ones. Preparation. Every season, except Fall, I gather foraging items and make seasonal Wild Seeds. I also always keep any Mixed Seeds I get. Pre-planting...