
  1. Guinan

    What is the best thing to do during the green rain?

    I had it the first time now and there is so many to discover and every place is full with wild trees and weeds but what is the best thing to do during the green rain? Do the wild trees bring more wood than normal? What do you do during this day?
  2. KeySmasher

    Weeds (or rocks) can destroy Rarecrows??!!!

    I just lost Rarecrow #8 to a rock that spawned. I had a sign just below it to identify the Rarecrow number is how I know which one it was. When I got the notice that weeds destroyed my farm I went looking around and saw the rock and a piece of wood both spawned by where the Rarecrow was...
  3. phoenixofthestars

    Weeds doing damage

    **playing on Switch** Does anyone know anything about the “The growing weeds have done damage to your farm.” message? I got it a few days into Spring Year 2, after I’d cleared out all the weeds and most of the small logs and rocks. Now (8th of Spring Year 2) I’ve lost a mahogany sapling and a...
  4. PC Weeds destroying seed maker

    Woke up in the morning and got the "Weeds have caused damage on your farm" message, so I went around my whole farm checking all the paths and fences but couldn't find any damage. I thought I had just missed the damaged tile, but then I saw that my seed maker had been destroyed by a weed. I know...
  5. PC [BUG] Weed damaging crop warning in 1.5.3

    Version 1.5.3 English Singleplayer. This is more quality of life than an actual bug but when weeds spread and damage your crops, the game normally gives a warning in the morning. For Ginger Island, while I was sleeping at the normal farm, I received a warning about a banana tree being unable to...
  6. Android [BUG] Weeds Destroying Farm Glitch

    In two different games now, I have had it to where EVERY single day when I wake up I get the message about weeds destroying my farm. In both games, I went around each day and got rid of all rocks, branches, weeds, even every tree seed. In fact in the first game where it kept happening, I even...