
  1. Android Watering behind a scarecrow infinitely

    First time posting a bug. Sorry in advance if this was already shared here before. Playing on the mobile version of stardew valley I noticed that even though the tile behind a scarecrow is watered I could still water it again and again. It isn't a game breaking bug but it still consumes stamina...
  2. Children update

    I have some ideas about an update that adds more to having kids. I like having kids but I feel that their kinda pointless. Here are my ideas: 1. Unique looks. I feel that the way your kids look could be changed based on who your partner is (example, purple hair if you're with Abigail or black...
  3. SuperChouette

    Pros and cons of more involved farming.

    I’m wondering what is the general desire here: for the game to increase in complexity alone, increase in difficulty (with options or by requirements) or do people want aspects of the game to be easier. More complexity/difficulty: I’m interested in advanced watering techniques. Some crops need...
  4. Switch [HELP] Unable to water multiple tiles at once on Switch?

    Hi, I'm fairly new to Stardew, and today I learned that you should be able to water a line of three at once using the copper watering can. Is this possible on switch?
  5. PC [BUG] Watered tiles (bug?)

    The season changed from summer to autumn, some of the tiles stayed watered from the sprinklers and old crops, so I went to re-till and water the rest. And I noticed a sinificant difference in colour of the newly watered and other tiles. Here's what I mean.
  6. PC [BUG] 1.5 Spouse watering

    Spouse watering crops isn't working on beach farm. Screens below. Mods: Content patcher SMAPI Seasonal Outfuits
  7. Farmerguy

    A simple tweak for easier watering of crops on Mobile

    Watering crops is a bit awkward on Mobile at the moment. You have to readjust yourself every time you water a row of crops. The readjustment is done by making a sort of "U" motion on the screen to reposition. It's awkward and prone to mistake. Mobile users will be familiar with this. This is...
  8. PC [BUG] In Beach House, filling watering can from sea often results in watering sea

    My character is standing with her back to me and her front to the sea (usually in the beach up and right from the house). When I click to water, she turns around and waters the sand instead. Sometimes she turns around and waters the sea to her right. e: English Single-player Release 12/22...