visual glitch

  1. casmag

    Switch Spirits Table Missing

    After the most recent patch the spirits table in the furniture catalog is showing an error symbol and the one I had placed in my house has been replaced with a three tile wide space containing two crops. In my inventory it shows the same unavailable item when I pick it up. Playing on switch...
  2. evergreen oak

    PlayStation Junimo Kart visual bug

    When the player accesses the Junimo Kart minigame in the Stardrop Saloon, a mouse pointer cursor is stuck on the bottom right area of the screen. I have tried everything and nothing works to remove it. Not a big deal, but it is very distracting and makes the minigame a little trickier. I can...
  3. FunniBoi

    Xbox Axe Vanishes (very minor visual glitch, no normal player should find this in their playthrough)

    This very specific tree makes your axe vanish if you attempt to hit it. Not permanently, just for the chopping animation. Does not affect gameplay at all, just makes your axe vanish for the chopping animation on this tree.
  4. Switch Life bar visual bug ?

    Hi, I'm on switch, ver This seems like a visual bug to me, when your life is low and is flashing, a white bar appear.
  5. tigercait

    iOS Fixed (but with visual glitch): iOS volcano forge with two weapons

    Huzzah, we are finally able to forge weapon appearances in 1.6! The bug in iOS 1.5 where the second weapon couldn't be placed on the forge is fixed! There is a minor visual glitch where tapping on the preview opens a pop-up behind part of the inventory (iPad Pro on iPadOS 17.6.1).
  6. Android Visual bug inside the workbench menu

    Hey! Just want to point out this visual bug when you operate your workbench. The craftable items spill over the bound box. Tweaking the padding and the sizes from the game settings didn't work. App Version:
  7. TheSuperSquirrel

    Windows 1.6.8 Visual glitch - face removal and other sprite weirdness with emotes and interacting

    Bit of a creepy one, perfect for the season: When you interrupt an animated emote (such as laugh, jar, sick, yes, etc) by attempting to interact with an object like a chair or chest, your avatar's face disappears. When trying to mount the horse in the same circumstance you can get even weirder...
  8. Windows Bugged out level in the Mines after completion

    as you can see in the screenshot, there seems to be a liitttlee bit of funkiness with the mines room randomization from the latest patch - not only are the bags everywhere, but some tiles are just. blacked out?? it works fine, i can walk around in the blacked out tiles fine, everything drops the...