version 1.6.5

  1. Harvtee

    About Ios to Windows !

    the story is that i was playing stardew valley 1.5.6 on my iphone and when i transferred the save file from that ios version 1.5.6 to windows and played with version 1.6 it still worked fine but when i finished playing and When I transfer the file back to iOS, I don't see it loading the map I...
  2. Windows Version 1.6.5 file stops working after loading.

    Hi, I just recently updated to the newest version of Stardew Valley, and for some reason, my save file keeps crashing every time I load it. I need some help figuring out why. I've attached my save file and my current error log in this zip file, if that's okay with you. EDIT: I'm not using mods...