version 1.6

  1. Android [BUG] Common Tree Seeds and Pinch Zoom

    While cutting a common tree the seeds is not spawning And everytime I load the game it always zoomed in
  2. duckinrat

    Save file transfer PC Mobile

    As I know you can transfer save files only if the versions on both devices are same. But it needs to be the same even to the third number of the version or the first two are okay? I mean, you obviously cant transfer a save file from 1.6 to 1.5.9 but are you able to do that from 1.6.9 to 1.6.0...
  3. fairynikis

    Error When Trying to Load a Previous Save After I Updated My Game to 1.6!

    I'm currently struggling to load a previous save I had after updating my game to 1.6 and I honestly do NOT understand what is wrong. I have spent hours combing through all my mods to make sure that they are up to date, and I even took out any mods that I suspected might be causing the issue. I...
  4. Magically Clueless


    PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES IN YOUR GAME HERE! Please be aware that spoilers ARE allowed in this thread! A template you can follow: explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); full error text (if any); what OS you are using; in-game language; single-player or...
  5. Windows Screen Flickering Caused Burn-In

    On my game on windows, steam version, my screen was constantly flickering and had lines similar to an old CRT screen running up and down my screen that caused the stardew settings menu to burn-in on my monitor. This only occured in borderless or fullscreen mode, but in windowed mode my entire...