
  1. Android Samsung galaxy - unable to pat animals

    Issue: when I try to pat my animals, I touch the animal and the game does not register it 9 times out of 10 - i have tried holding down, walking away and coming back to the animal, tapping in different parts of the animal, waiting for the animal to change position and it seems to not change the...
  2. iOS Problem with touch screen

    I can't open the first bundle, I used to be able to if I clicked on it multiple times until it found the write spot, but now nothing happens. I can't fish in the ocean as it won't let me click on it. (yes, anywhere in the ocean). Some things in the ground also won't let themselves be dug up as...
  3. Android Bug de touch

    Celular A22 Depois de um tenpo jogando a tela simplesmente trava e so e possivel dar zoom e tirar o zoom. Nao consigo andar, mexer no menu ou qualquer outras coisa, o que faz que eu acabe perdendo o meu progesso pois nao consigo salvar. Quando reiniciamos o stardew valley ele volta, mas depois...
  4. Mobile [BUG] Touchscreen bug- can't place the buildings properly

    First of all I play on iPhone S7 Plus. So when I buy any building from Robin, I can't place them properly wherever I want. The touchscreen seems bugged. when I click on the left side of the screen, its very hard to position where I want, and have to click many times until that green shape of the...