switch 1.6

  1. Switch Switch Pet Deletion Bug

    I'm playing local co-op multi-player on switch with a farm started after the 1.6 update. We're in Spring 15 Year 3 and the pet (dog) we got at the beginning of the game no longer appears on the farm or in our animal list at all. It had full hearts. Its water dish still exists and is filled. It...
  2. riicho

    Switch No footstep sound on wood

    Just a small thing I noticed, but when I walk on wood there’s no footstep sound! This includes both placed paths and wooden floors, like the Community Center floor. Playing on OLED Switch. Version1.6.15, build 2. I know it’s a small thing, but if you’re anything like me it might drive you...
  3. JuliaStar

    Switch Switch Bugs

    Just updated to and have two bugs so far 1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete) 2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day). Crash details "software...
  4. Switch Crashing bug when opening Artifact Troves

    Ever since the update that came out a few minutes ago, whenever I get Clint to break open a Artifact Trove the game immediately crashes just before he cracks it open !
  5. Switch Animals not sleeping in barn

    After the recent update, majority of the animals are outside at night and displaying “[name] trying to sleep.” Barn doors are open still and nothing preventing them from going in the barns. I’ll leave the farm and come back and some will glitch back into the barn, and some glitches back out of...
  6. Switch Glitch string of code text (Monster Eradication Goals, weddings, SquidFest, etc)

    Instead of “5 beans required” or whatever it usually says when you try to insert less than 5 coffee beans into a keg it’s now saying a random line of code “localizedtextstrings” something. This is only since I just downloaded the update on switch and reloaded
  7. Switch Multiplayer mode bugs

    Hi, I'm new here! I don't know if these bugs have been discussed already, but I've noticed these while playing on switch with multiplayer modes (both Split Screen and Online Co-op) big asterisk ✳ here: a fair amount of this may just be, the Switch I have is an older model (as in, not the new...
  8. Switch Trinkets downgrading

    I’m playing on a co-op farm and both of us have experienced our equipped trinkets downgrading from the highest levels (level 4 parrot and level 5 fairy) to level 1. We didn’t reforge them; they’ve been equipped this entire time… they downgraded while equipped and so I grabbed another level 4...
  9. Koopa

    1.6 Update i want the attic wallpaper back! But can i substitute?

    So you know in 1.6 the attic house renovation was added as well as the cursed Mannequin(both male and female versions). Now less known, there is a small chance they will change the wallpaper and flooring In a room, so with my luck it went for the attic and I did get my flooring back but I don't...
  10. 1.6 Update Staircases in skull caverns question

    Have you ever noticed when you go into a floor in the skull caverns if there is a stair case already down somewhere on the map it’s very hard to find one via rock/ore. Sans the longish map that ends in a coal cart and a staircase… I don’t have problems finding staircase/shafts on that specific...
  11. Magg0tbelly0

    Switch Minor visual bug (Switch)

    This is a small visual bug regarding the flower tulip. i had planted a yellow tulip from mixed flower seeds and when i went to eat it, (for some reason), the animation had turned the yellow tulip into a pink one again, this is a small, harmless bug, but it caught me off-guard. I am playing in...
  12. Switch spouse standing and sleeping in bus stop area

    created a new singleplayer farm to try out 1.6 on a fresh save and i've noticed after marrying sam, 1 to 3 times a week he will stand / walk around in either the bus stop area or the left side of the farm (where the coop is on meadowlands farm) and also sleep in the bus stop area i am still able...
  13. sameperson_differentfont

    Switch How to reduce lag

    I noticed a huge difference between my year 1 and year 13 farm in terms of lag. On my year 13 farm it buffers about every 20 seconds, if not more often. Is there any way to reduce this? I don't have any hats on pets btw.
  14. Switch Volcano dungeon glitching for P2

    My brother and I have a sdv save on switch that we have been playing for 6 in-game years. When 1.6 came to switch, the volcano dungeon started generating glitched floors for my brother (P2) (straw hat), but not for me (P1) (totem mask). When I load a floor, it loads normally (pic 1 and 3), but...
  15. Switch Desert festival Elliott not showing up

    Elliott is not at the desert festival on the day he’s supposed to be there (Spring 15). I even saw him leave our house early that day, but I couldn’t find him at the spot the wiki says he’s supposed to be (cliffside south of racing line) or anywhere, and he wasn’t a vendor. My friend who plays a...
  16. Switch 1.6 Switch Multiplayer Crashing

    My wife and I play Stardew a lot on multiplayer splitscreen on the Switch, but since the update (which we've loved a lot of) we've found it increasingly difficult to continue playing. Every other day, with seemingly no rhyme or reason, it just crashes at the end of the day and doesn't save so we...
  17. Switch Most prominent bugs for Switch

    No golden coconuts on the island trader Racoon shop not expanded Queen of Sauce book not available - not appearing as missing in collections tab either Cherry blossoms spawning in straight lines instead of scattered Split screen crashing (took 5 attempts to work) I've heard the complaints of...
  18. TheLionKim

    Switch Spouse ceases to exist?

    Alright, so after the 1.6 update, I started a new farm and married Sebastian. Sometimes (I’m trying to find a pattern) he just doesn’t exist in the game. I looked up his married schedule and checked those places, etc. but he’s still just gone (example: saw Sam playing pool by himself on Friday)...
  19. Damienmaemae

    Switch Trinkets randomly reduced to level 1

    Hello, don't know if anyone else has this problem. My parrot egg trinkets, (2 of them that were level 2), turned into lvl 1 parrot eggs seemingly out of nowhere. I also had a lvl 2 egg equipped in my trinket slot turn into lvl 1. I put them in a regular chest in my level 3 house. I am on...
  20. Izzy1704

    Switch Game crashing on switch constantly 1.6

    I’ve had big issues mid gameplay, no matter what I’m doing or where, my game crashes and the console says “the software was closed because an error occurred”. This happens every couple of in game days and it’s extremely frustrating as I’m playing with someone else on split screen and our days...