
  1. iOS Submarine fishing bar overlap

    iOS 18.3 iPhone 14 Version The fishing bar overlaps with the day info at the top in the Submarine (area that is not adjustable)
  2. Ferris Bueller

    Interior Build a Submarine Pen!

  3. SPOILERS - Late game fishing

    Hey there :) So I really enjoy fishing, and I know that late game it mostly isn't really worth it anymore... But I did find some things that I still find useful: - fishing up useful fish for recipes like Eel, Midnight Carp, Flounder, Sea Cucumber or in gamefiles where I'm not maxed out yet...
  4. Switch [GLITCH] Night market's submarine is only blue tiles

    Hello, I used to play only on PC but recently got the game on the switch, my version is currently the I'm still in the first year in the switch, and it's winter. When I enter the submarine in the night market, almost everything is blue. I cannot interact with anything. The screen also...
  5. PC Bug when paying for the submarine ride at the Night Market

    I was about to pay for the submarine ride, I pressed Y instead of clicking yes and it took away my 1000G without going down. I tested it once more to see if it was consistently happening and it did indeed happen again. It worked normally when I clicked yes with my mouse though. I can't record it...
  6. Xbox [BUG] Missing Floor (Submarine)

    Issue: The floor is missing from the Submarine at the Night Market in Winter as well as missing from areas of Ginger Island Error text: N/A Game version: 1.5 Language: English Single or multiplayer: Both Other notes: I’m not sure if the floor is missing anywhere else, but it may be worth a check.