
  1. Switch Hats affect hair visibility in spa

    When in the Spa, the outfit should be completely overridden by the swimsuit. However, if you have a hat equipped that affects the hairstyle, the hairstyle is also affected in the spa. See the attached screenshots as an example.
  2. Switch [BUG] Fishing outside the spa

    At the spa, there is a small decoration water feature that you can actually fish in. However, the few tiles (marked with red on the image) right below the water are also fishable. You end up fishing on normal land. It isn't a very important bug, but it's just a small thing that was overlooked.
  3. PC [BUG] Blocked path at the spa entrance

    The entrance to the spa (where the clothes are changed) allows the placement of objects, but does not allow the use of tools to remove them. Causing permanent blockage in the passage.
  4. PC Sitting on bench in spa

    You are unable to sit down on some benches in the spa(when you are half-naked). Bug?