
  1. Winter Cottage

    Stardew Valley sound usage

    Hey dear stardew valley people, i didn't really know where to put my topic, so I hope I'm in the right section. I'm planning to do a relaxing stardew valley video on YouTube, where rain and spring sounds are layered with a piano (piano is my own). Does anyone know if I can use the sounds of...
  2. Windows Fix Suggestion

    I noticed there are different sounds for footsteps hitting on soft ground, wooden paths and docks, and walking on stone pathways and interlock. This is consistent for paths that are in the village or paths that I create on my own farm. Similarly, when riding the horse there are different...
  3. Fun Art Sam

    Add Ocean Wave Sounds to Beach Farm

    Hello! :) I love playing Stardew Valley! It’s been a great way to learn life management skills, have fun, and help with my anxiety issues. Recently, I’ve been working on the beach farm. It’s my dream farm! Farming and fishing is a magical combination. I have one suggestion for the beach farm...
  4. iOS Adopting cat, lag and effect sound(s) muted

    (Pardon for grammar mistakes, English is not my mother tongue) Device: iPad Pro / mobile version iOS Game version: In-game language: English Single player Issue #1 Adopting cat Whenever I just started the day or it’s late at night; it doesn’t matter what time it is in the game, when I...
  5. Theo

    Adding more ambiance - Making an ambiance mod without knowing how

    Hey people. I'm currently working on a project where i want to add a bunch of ambiance to the game, like TV noises to George's house, muffled radio sounds to some houses or for example cauldron bubbling to Razmodius' house. Currently i am stuck at the very start since i am not sure how to...
  6. PC [BUG] Ginger Island music and sounds in mainland Stardew Valley BUG

    I have noticed more than once that when I travel from Ginger Island to Stardew Valley, the bird sounds and general island sounds stay and override the valley music. It's very noticeable when you travel to the valley when it's rainy and you hear tropical birds. I travel by obelisk, not by Willy's...